Monday, 25 November 2013

Just when you have everything organised!

So just when you think you've got everything organised something comes along and turns all of your plans upside down.

After Mary and I had spent a very happy couple of hours trolling through different sorts of seeds and making our selections and getting our allotment almost ready for Spring planting I went and got a new Bahrain!

Now Mary will be the sole guardian of the veg patch for the next year. Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled to be back in work if for no other reasons than my health and for the sense of self respect it brings. The major downside is that I will be leaving Mary and Lyta behind and will be missing out on a year on the allotment with all of the highs and lows that that brings. 

My plan is to now extend our growing area from Nigel the Garden and Dugless the Allotment to whatever I can do in Bahrain (name to follow). I'm planning on growing some tomatoes, tomatillos and peppers; might as well make the most of the heat and sunshine!

Mary and I spent some time last weekend planting broad beans, 84 in total, to spend the winter under cloches in well dug and manured soil. Hopefully we will have a better harvest than we did this year after we lost our entire crop to blackfly.

My (possibly) final act on the allotment was this morning. I spent an hour extending one area of our plot to make next years potato patch.
Leeks had been planted in it previously and a few remain to be taken up. I cleared the weeds out, turned it over and then dug in some straw.

All that Mary has to do before Winter sets in (with Lyta's help) is spread some manure on the empty beds and then sheet them over for a long slumber ready for the spring and the soil warming up.

I'll let you all know what the growing in Bahrain is like.

Happy Planting


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