Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Things are starting to shoot

Well things are moving pretty fast at the moment, unfortunately so are the weeds! It seems that no sooner have you cleared one area and started on another that the original patch needs doing again. Still, such are the joys of gardening/having an allotment.

We have finally gotten all of the beds dug that we think we'll need, and what can be strawed over has been. This serves two purposes. Firstly in the warm weather it helps to keep the moisture in the ground to prevent it drying out. Secondly, come the autumn once everything is harvested it can be dug in and help fertilise/enrich the soil. Then the whole process can start again in the Spring! Fortunately we have a ready supply of straw and manure at a very good price!


The potatoes have started to poke their heads up at long last. I must admit I was starting to get worried. Between the four rows we have on the allotment and the two planters growing in the back garden I'm hoping we should be OK for potatoes for a while come harvest time. We also have a small bed of new potatoes in the back garden as well. This is earmarked for potato salads to go with BBQs!

The onions and garlic are looking fantastic. I'm especially excited about the elephant garlic. We've never grown it before but if what's going on underground is as good as what's happening above ground then it should be most impressive. Apparently these bulbs can grow to over 6" across and weigh in at over 2lb!
All of our soft fruit seems to be coming along nicely. We have strawberries, gooseberries, currants and jostaberry coming in to fruit. The blueberry is in flower and our raspberry bushes are starting to show buds.

All in all things are looking very good indeed!  

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