Sunday, 17 June 2012


Wasn't sure if we were going to make it down to the allotment this week as the weekends been a bit busy. Yesterday we were down at Lympstone so that Mary could abuse herself over a 17k endurance run, and she's still suffering today. Then this morning I went off for a couple of hours fishing as the new season started yesterday as well.

Anyway, we finally made it down there and were very relieved to see that the allotment site hadn't ended up over the rainbow with all the high winds we've been having. In fact it looked positively blooming to be honest.

As Mary was suffering with some pretty good aches and pains I took a chair down for her to relax in and be Director of Operations. I then set to and pulled up the remaining broad bean plants which she then stripped the last of the beans from.

Next it was up with the garlic and then I laid a bed of straw down to leave the bulk of the bulbs to dry on . A few that split when they were lifted came home with us for use over the coming weeks. By which time the remainder will be dried and stored.

The pea plants which had struggled so far are really coming into there own and we now have no caulis left on the allotment as I picked the last one this morning. We've also started lifting potatoes. Nothing major crop wise but they taste fantastic and we grew them ourselves.

Then final harvest of today was the strawberries. I think this is the third lot we've had from our plants and I know there are still many more to come. I have to admit that they taste fantastic but it is a great shame that I recently discovered that I may be lactose intolerant so this weeks crop will have to be eaten without the usual lashings of cream. Still taste bloody good though!

Next week it will be all three of back on site and there will be some major weeding and tidying up to be done, as well as more picking to be carried out. Hopefully we will be starting to do some pickled onions with our own shallots.

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