We then headed down to the allotment with the mindset of getting some serious weeding carried out. We took down with us six litres of water just to make sure we didn't get dehydrated.
Once there I set to work clearing out the purple sprouting broccoli plants as they had gone over; but I have to say we got our monies worth out of them. I then dug the bed over and then dug in one of the bags of compost we had collected that morning.
Whilst I was clearing and digging Mary and Lyta were having a good bash at the weeding; a thankless and back breaking job at the best of times. Why the weeds grow faster than the veg is any ones guess. After a couple of hours of this we took a water break and and then did some harvesting.

Our final act was to plant some rocket and mustard in the freshly vacated bed and some more parsnip to go with our surviving ones planted earlier in the year. Next Saturday we are going to be planting some corn (maize), just half a dozen or so to occupy the rest of the empty bed over the summer. Barbecued corn-on-the-cob anyone?
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