Saturday, 19 April 2014

The sun is back!

After a few weekends of work on the allotment, in the garden and greenhouse I thought I would update the blog and put up some more pictures.

After what was a very wet and dismal start to the year it’s been very refreshing to have some dry and sunny weather and I know Dugless the Allotment and Nigel the Garden have appreciated it. Unfortunately so have the weeds, and they seem intent on growing twice as fast as the veg and plants that we’ve put in.

Anyway, the alliums (leeks, onions and garlic are brilliant at the moment – and very weed free as well after a concerted effort this morning).

Whilst I was weeding Mary was busy planting out our purple dwarf bean seedlings, to go with the borlotti beans and peas that were planted recently and the broad beans that have come along well since being sown in November; those that did not rot in the ground whilst we trying not to sink in the floods! Some of the broad beans are now starting to show pods!

The purple sprouting broccoli has been a real treat this past couple of weeks. It always fills a niche in the growing circle and also makes a brilliant soup. We also have some hearts appearing on the cauliflowers at last. I was on the point of digging them up and consigning them to the compost bin! They have just bought themselves a stay of execution. Well, at least until they are big enough to make cauliflower cheese with!

The stars of the allotment again are the soft fruits. They are looking very healthy and with lots of flower. We even have gooseberries starting to appear already.

The biggest treat this year is the greenhouse. Another great big thank you goes out to Julie for giving it to us and Jo, Allan, NJ and Dan for spending the day with us last month putting it up! A really fun day was had by all!

The great thing about the greenhouse was that after coming back from holiday last week we were met by a forest of seedlings.
Some of which have been planted out on the allotment, some in the garden and some potted up for growing on. Hopefully we will end up with a bumper crop of tomatoes (purple and black), purple tomatillos, cucumbers, peppers and chillies.

Watch this space to see what happens next and Happy Gardening!